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РМО учителей английского языка, г.Люберцы

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Главная » 2012 » Февраль » 24 » Повышение квалификации
Повышение квалификации
Еврокнига приглашают Вас
на серию методических семинаров
Семинары проводит методист издательства MM Publications

14 марта в 15.00, ГОУ СОШ № 265,

По адресу: Москва, Алтуфьевское шоссе, д. 24 а.

Тема семинара:

Teaching Grammar: Bridging the gap from accuracy to fluency

One of our jobs as teachers is to help our students make the ‘leap’ from form-focused accuracy to fluent and acceptable production, by providing a ‘bridge’: a variety of practice activities that familiarize them with the structures in context, giving practice both in form and in communicative meaning.

In the course of this session participants will have the opportunity to look into different aspects of dealing with grammar in the language classroom through a variety of materials.

15 марта в 16.00, ГОУ СОШ № 2011,

По адресу: Москва, Марьинский парк д.37.

Тема семинара:

Using Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) for organizing language learning

When students come to the English language classroom they already have some knowledge of the world around them. Some of that knowledge is acquired at school through other subjects. In CLIL the content from other subjects such as History, Geography, Science, Art, etc. becomes the ‘material’ that the teachers use to help their students acquire the English language. This allows the teacher to use a variety of subject areas through which they will explore different aspects of the second language.

Join this session to get practical ideas on how to use this approach successfully in the language classroom.

Каждый участник получит сертификат участия в семинаре, а также подарок от издательства и компании «Еврокнига» - книги издательства MM Publications

Для получения подарка просьба зарегистрироваться на семинар по тел. (495) 956-41-33 / 34 /35 / 36

http://www.evokniga.ru, info@evrokniga.ru
Категория: 2011 - 2012 | Просмотров: 644 | Добавил: Helen
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«  Февраль 2012  »
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